C/C++ Users Group Library 1996 July
C-C++ Users Group Library July 1996.iso
Text File
4,361 lines
--== C T R L C L I B ==--
The Ctrl+C Library
A C-language Library of Integrated Interrupt Management Functions
Version 1.0
____|__ | MEMBER
--| | |-------------------
| ____|__ | Association of
| | |_| Shareware
|__| o | Professionals
-----| | |---------------------
|___|___| (R)
Copyright (C) 1990 Trendtech Corporation, Wayne, NJ,
All Rights Reserved
Licensed Material - Program, Documentation, and Text Files are
Property of Trendtech Corporation.
Page 2
CTRLCLIB - The Ctrl+C Library
CTRLCLIB - The Ctrl+C Library(Tm) is Copyright 1990 by Trendtech
Corporation, Inc., Wayne, New Jersey, U.S.A. All rights
Licensed Material; this collection of software objects, its
documentation, demo programs, other accompanying written and
disk-based notes and specifications, and all referenced and
related program files, are the property of Trendtech Corporation,
Inc., Wayne, NJ, U.S.A.
-CTRLCLIB - The Ctrl+C Library is a trademark of Trendtech
Corporation, Inc., Wayne, NJ.
-The ASP and logo are registered trademarks of the Association of
Shareware Professionals.
-CompuServe is a registered trademark of CompuServe Incorporated.
-DESQview is a trademark of Quarterdeck Office Systems.
-IBM is a registered trademark of International Business
-Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
-Turbo C is a registered trademark of Borland International.
-QuickC is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
CTRLCLIB is distributed as Shareware and has specific
licensing provisions, please read the following sections for more
information about Shareware, licensing, and registration
Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject
to restrictions as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the
Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at
Space limitations on the Shareware disk allow only two
memory-model libraries for each compiler. If you can not fully
evaluate CTRLCLIB because of the lack of a specific memory model
such as "compact" or "medium", please contact us. We will supply
you with a disk containing a library for the memory-model you
need for the compiler you specify. This disk will be supplied to
you free of charge so that you may thoroughly evaluate CTRLCLIB.
Copyright 1990 Trendtech Corporation, Inc.
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CTRLCLIB - The Ctrl+C Library
2.1 Technical Support 5
2.2 Electronic Support 6
2.3 Telephone and Mail Support 6
4.1 What Can I Do With CTRLCLIB? 10
4.2 What Took So Long? 11
4.3 The Mechanics of CTRL-C and CTRL-BREAK 12
4.4 Our Solution - an Intelligent INT09 16
5.1 Technicals 16
5.2 Operation 17
5.3 Using Library Functions 17
5.4 The Interrupt Management Control Structure 18
5.5 Code Examples 18
6.1 The Shareware Disk 21
6.2 The Registered Source Disk 23
7.1 Installation 24
7.2 Compiling 25
7.3 Linking 25
8.1 Borland Turbo C Notes 26
8.2 Microsoft C Notes 27
8.3 Microsoft QuickC Notes 27
8.4 MS-DOS Notes 27
8.5 General Caveats 28
8.5.1 Keyboard Idiosyncrasies 28
8.5.2 Virtual Control Programs 29 WINDOWS, DESQview, VM386, OS/2, et al 29
8.5.3 Other Caveats 30 TSR's 30
8.6 Making Changes 31
8.7 Feedback 31
9.1 int BreakFlag( action, flagset ) 33
9.2 int CapsLock( setting ) 34
9.3 int CtrlcLibSetup(varg) 36
9.4 void CtrlcLibCleanup( void ) 38
9.5 void CtrlAltDel( action ) 39
9.6 void CtrlBreak( action ) 40
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CTRLCLIB - The Ctrl+C Library
9.7 void CtrlC( action ) 41
9.8 void CtrlP( action ) 42
9.9 void CtrlS( action) 43
9.10 void FullCtrlC( action ) 44
9.11 int InsertLock( setting) 45
9.12 void KeyboardHandler( action ) 47
9.13 int NumLock( setting ) 48
9.14 void PauseKey( action ) 50
9.15 void PrintScreen( action ) 51
9.16 unsigned QueryCtrlC(void) 52
9.17 unsigned QueryKeyPad5(void) 53
9.18 unsigned QueryPrtScr(void) 54
9.19 unsigned QuerySysReq(void) 55
9.20 int ScrollLock( setting ) 56
9.21 void ShowCtrlC( void) 58
9.22 void SysReq( action ) 59
9.23 void SystemReset( action ) 60
10.2 Warranty and Liability Information. 62
10.2.1 Shareware Version - Warranty Exclusion 62
10.2.2 Registered Version - Limited Warranty 62
10.2.3 Liability Limitation 63
10.3.1 Source Code 63
10.3.2 Single-User License 64
10.3.3 Network License. 65
10.3.4 Site License 66
10.3.5 Retail Distribution 66
10.3.6 Sales Tax: 66
13.1 Upgrade Policy 69
14. APPENDIX -E- THE A.S.P. 70
14.1 The ASP Ombudsman Statement 70
14.2 Summary of ASP Goals 70
14.3 ASP Standards for Author Members 71
14.3.4 GENERAL 72
Copyright 1990 Trendtech Corporation, Inc.
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CTRLCLIB - The Ctrl+C Library
CTRLCLIB and all programs and documentation distributed or
shipped with it are copyrighted works protected by U.S. and
international copyright laws. This collection of programs and
files is referred to simply as "CTRLCLIB". You are granted a
license to use your evaluation copy of CTRLCLIB only under the
terms and conditions specified in APPENDIX -A- of this document.
CTRLCLIB is a commercial software package. It is not free,
and it is not in the public domain. It is distributed as
Shareware, which means that before you pay for the package, you
may try it and see if you want to continue using it. You may use
CTRLCLIB free for a trial period of up to 30 days. If you wish
to continue using CTRLCLIB after that period, you must pay a
registration fee. If you choose not to pay the registration fee,
you must stop using CTRLCLIB and remove it from your computer,
though you are still free to keep copies and pass them along to
others. Please read the APPENDIX for complete license and
registration details.
2.1 Technical Support
We support our software. One of the great strengths of the
Shareware concept is the direct interaction between the program
author and the users. Many of the current features in CTRLCLIB
are the result of user input. If you have a problem evaluating
the components of this library or desire to make a suggestion or
comment (or even a complaint), please don't hesitate to contact
Technical support for CTRLCLIB is available to both
shareware and registered users. If you are not a registered
user, we will provide limited assistance to help you install and
evaluate CTRLCLIB .
You may call or write us for technical support. Unless your
problem is relatively complex, you will get the best results by
calling. If you write us, please include a phone number and the
times when you will be available. Most of the time you'll get
our answering machine, so please speak clearly and slowly when
you leave your name and telephone number.
Copyright 1990 Trendtech Corporation, Inc.
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CTRLCLIB - The Ctrl+C Library
With reference to calls, if we do not call back, please
remember that a small percentage of our call-backs do not get
completed because of faulty phone numbers, unanswered, or busy
phones, or a garbled answering machine message. If we have not
called you back within one work day, please call us again.
2.2 Electronic Support
Electronic support is available on CompuServe. CompuServe
electronic correspondence is limited to electronic mail only. Our
MAIL ID is [76210,771]. If you wish to find out more about the
Shareware concept and talk electronically to other Shareware
authors, we encourage you to join the SHAREWARE forum on
Compuserve. After logging in to CIS, simply type "GO SHAREWARE".
This will put you in the IBMJR forum. Don't be alarmed however,
as of this writing, CompuServe has not yet changed the forum name
to "SHAREWARE", it is still called "IBMJR". Author-members of
the Association of Shareware Professionals have been allocated
sections 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12. Sections 8 and 9 are open to the
general public. We occasionally check other forums (SIG's) too
but these should not be considered a vehicle for effective
communication to Trendtech. If you are a CompuServe user and you
need to reach us, please use electronic MAIL. Most of the time
MAIL messages are answered on a daily basis. If you need
information on obtaining a CompuServe account you can call
CompuServe toll free at 1-800-848-8199.
2.3 Telephone and Mail Support
We can be reached via U.S. Mail at:
P.O. Box 3687
Wayne, New Jersey 07474-3687
by FAX: (201) 694-2543
by VOICE: (201) 694-8622
For voice, please leave a message; as stated above, we try
to respond to telephone messages as quickly as possible, but may
require 24 hours or more depending on our workload and the timing
of your call.
Copyright 1990 Trendtech Corporation, Inc.
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CTRLCLIB - The Ctrl+C Library
Trendtech Corporation would like to thank all who
participated in Alpha and Beta testing of CTRLCLIB. We'd
especially like to thank Dave Jurgens, Tracey Siesser, Walt
Myers, Hans Salvisberg, Mike Vore, Roger Baird, Kenneth Loafman,
Carl Huff, Larry Weaver, and others who provided thoughtful
insight into potential problems, offered solutions, and tendered
new ideas for possible enhancements. Your efforts are greatly
Copyright 1990 Trendtech Corporation, Inc.
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CTRLCLIB - The Ctrl+C Library
What do you think would happen to your application program
or the database files it has opened if the user accidently (or on
purpose) hit the CONTROL-C or CONTROL-BREAK keys? Or, suppose
they pressed CTRL+ALT+DEL in the middle of a complicated file
update? These keys will terminate your program, we all know
that. But what about the CTRL+2 keys (the CTRL key plus the
number row "2" key)? Or, how about the "back-door" ALT+kp3 (the
ALT key plus the keypad 3 )? If the user accidently pressed
these keys, they will cause your program to come to a screeching
halt too just as well as the more straight-forward control-c and
control-break keys.
If your program doesn't use standard console input and
output you might be okay. But, suppose the user placed "BREAK
ON" in their CONFIG.SYS file? This means that DOS will check for
the break keys on a wider variety of DOS functions than just
console I/O, so your program could 'crash and burn' anyway.
If part of your application is keyboard intensive such as a
complicated data-entry program, then you'd probably want to make
your program "user-proof". If users wanted to "break out" of
your program, it should be robust enough to detect that action,
and then "gracefully" terminate. We say "gracefully" because
this will give your application program a chance to do its final
"cleanup" before ending.
With CTRLCLIB in your toolbox of professional software
development tools, you can provide the robustness your
applications need to make them fully user-proof. To paraphrase a
famous line from a popular science-fiction TV show of years ago:
In other words, you can fully direct the course of action your
program can take in response to user-initiated interrupts.
Copyright 1990 Trendtech Corporation, Inc.
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CTRLCLIB - The Ctrl+C Library
CTRLCLIB is a C-language library of integrated interrupt
management functions that commercial software developers, system
designers, and programmers can use to help make their programs
"user-proof". With as little as a simple one-time call to one or
more functions from the library, you can set up interrupt
handlers and traps to block keystroke combinations that would
normally cause most programs to terminate unexpectedly.
But let's face it, no program is completely user-proof -
there is always the power-OFF switch. But short of that however,
with functions from CTRLCLIB you can "catch" many inappropriate
keypresses by users of your application program. For example, if
your application is a complicated word-processor or editor, you'd
want to ask the user to save changed files before they accidently
(or purposely) pressed the CTRL+C or CTRL+BREAK keys that
normally terminates any MS-DOS program. If you're designing a
sophisticated windowing application, you don't want the insidious
"^C" characters botching up your windows when the user accidently
pressed <ALT>+<keypad 3> or <CTRL>+<number 2>. Yes, these too
are program break keys.
By including routines from CTRLCLIB you can insure that your
application is well protected from anxious users who press keys
With support functions from CTRLCLIB, your program can
control the setting of the LOCK keys too. If the data entry
procedures in your application need to have the NUM LOCK key
"ALWAYS" ON, for example, just call a CTRLCLIB library function
once, and from then on, the NUM LOCK will remain ON, the user
cannot turn it off. When your data entry function is finished,
just call a function from CTRLCLIB to turn it off. The same goes
for the other LOCK keys too.
If your application is time-critical and you don't want the
user messing with the PAUSE key or CTRL+S, simply call a function
from CTRLCLIB to disable it.
CTRLCLIB is a collection of C-language functions that
replace interrupt handlers as needed and removes them when they
are not needed - all controlled by you - the application
developer. And best of all, the entire library is written in C,
there is NO assembly language, so you don't need MASM or Debug.
Copyright 1990 Trendtech Corporation, Inc.
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CTRLCLIB - The Ctrl+C Library
4.1 What Can I Do With CTRLCLIB?
The functions in CTRLCLIB can help your application program
manage a discreet class of interrupts. For the most part these
consist of the interrupts that are initiated by the user and are
caused by unique keystroke combinations made while they are
running your application program. The following list illustrates
the kinds of interrupts that your program can catch using
functions from CTRLCLIB:
KEYPRESS INTERRUPT: What it normally does:
o CTRL+BREAK and CTRL+C - Program termination
o CTRL+2 and ALT+Keypad 3 - Program termination
o The "^C" screen print - Disrupts screen display
o CTRL+ALT+DEL - System reset
o PRINT SCREEN - Screen dump to printer
o CTRL+PRTSCRN and CTRL+P - Screen echo to printer
o PAUSE KEY or CTRL+NUML - System pause until keystroke
o CTRL+S - Pause MS-DOS output to STDOUT
Callable functions from CTRLCLIB can disable any or all of
the above keypress interrupts.
Your application program can also exercise a high degree of
control over the following keyboard keys with functions from
o CAPS LOCK KEY - Full control
o NUM LOCK KEY - Full control
o SCROLL LOCK KEY - Full control
o INSERT LOCK KEY - Full control
o KEYPAD 5 KEY - Full keypress detection
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CTRLCLIB - The Ctrl+C Library
Full control options: ALWAYS-ON,
Your application can have the following support functions
available as needed:
o REBOOT - Initiate a WARM or COLD reboot anytime
o QUERY functions - determine if user pressed any of the
interrupt keys.
4.2 What Took So Long?
Over the years there have been many articles written in
computer magazines, newsletters, and books about ways to trap
various critical keypresses such as control-break and control-c.
Some of these articles illustrated how to trap these keys in
BASIC, Assembly, and even C. Many so-called "advanced"
programming language books addressed the issue too. Some even
provided sample code to trap certain keystrokes and to install
Interrupt Service Routines (ISR's). There are also expensive
commercial C-language libraries that contain a few functions to
handle some of these critical keypresses. Most of what was
written, and most of what is currently sold in expensive
libraries only skimmed the surface or skirted the more important
issues of interrupt management. Almost all of the methods
illustrated lacked one critical element; they failed to provide
feedback to the program when these keys were pressed. A truly
robust program should know if a user wants to get out but doesn't
know how so they hit the break keys.
Until now, no one has ever addressed the issues of FULL
user-caused interrupt management control, especially with respect
to Ctrl-C and Ctrl-Break protection. Yes, it's easy enough to
trap these keys and prevent program termination, but it's NOT
easy to stop MS-DOS from throwing up the insidious " ^C "
characters on the screen. This can be caused in a variety of
ways. David Burki succinctly addressed the issue in an article
entitled "Eliminating Control-C" in the August 1990 issue of TECH
SPECIALIST Vol. 1 Number 3. David has graciously approved, and R
& D Publications has granted us permission to reprint most of his
article in this CTRLCLIB User's Guide.
Copyright 1990 Trendtech Corporation, Inc.
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CTRLCLIB - The Ctrl+C Library
With CTRLCLIB - The Ctrl+C Library, we want to "pull it all
together" and create a programming support library - a central
repository, if you will, of interrupt management control.
CTRLCLIB is the result of an extensive effort to create an
integrated set of interrupt management functions written entirely
in C, and callable from any program. Our goal is to make
CTRLCLIB the definitive MS-DOS standard for managing user-
initiated program interrupts.
4.3 The Mechanics of CTRL-C and CTRL-BREAK
The following description of the control-c and control-break
process was written by David Burki and appeared in the August
1990 issue of Tech Specialist. Additionally, the article
included David's assembly language implementation of an INT16H
interrupt handler to intercept control-c and the "^C"
characters. In the interest of space, that portion has been
dropped. Full reprints may be obtained from R & D Publications -
see address and phone number below.
The following is an edited version of David's article:
Copyright 1990 Trendtech Corporation, Inc.
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CTRLCLIB - The Ctrl+C Library
Eliminating Control-C
David Burki
The standard "solutions" to preventing Ctrl-C and Ctrl-
Break from abnormally terminating an application program
all deal with replacing the 23H and 1bH interrupt
vectors. While it is true that replacing these vectors
with your own handler can prevent the user from
terminating the program by pressing Ctrl-C or Ctrl-Break,
what do you do about the annoying, unesthetic ^C that DOS
puts on the screen?
One method of preventing the ^C from appearing on the
screen is to locate the hardware cursor at some non-
displayed location like row 26. This strategy works
great until you either want to display the hardware
cursor or use a DOS screen output function.
An int 21H generally causes internal DOS housekeeping
code to check the next available key in the keyboard
buffer, using the BIOS interrupt 16H function 1. If the
next available keycode is 2e03H (the scan and ASCII code
for Ctrl-C), or the DOS Ctrl-Break flag is 3 (more on the
flag in a minute), DOS puts the ^C on the screen, flushes
the keyboard buffer, switches to the user stack, clears
the carry flag, and executes interrupt 23H.
Among other things, the default interrupt 23H handler
flushes the file buffers using function 0dH of interrupt
21H. The 23H handler then sets the carry flag and
returns with a RET 2. When the housekeeping code regains
control, it uses the carry flag to determine if it should
terminate the process (function 4cH of interrupt 21H) or
continue with the execution of the interrupted function.
If your application keeps the typeahead buffer empty by
using BIOS function calls, DOS may never get a chance to
see a CTRL-C. However, a user might still be able to
sneak one in, especially if your application makes DOS
function calls that write to the screen.
Copyright 1990 Trendtech Corporation, Inc.
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CTRLCLIB - The Ctrl+C Library
Ctrl-Break is recognized within the keyboard hardware
interrupt, BIOS int 9. When int 9 detects the Ctrl-Break
key combination, code within interrupt 9 first flushes
the keyboard buffer and then executes an interrupt 1bH.
By default, the code pointed to by the interrupt 1bH
vector contains only two instructions:
The first instruction sets the internal DOS flag,
mentioned earlier, to indicate Ctrl-Break has been
pressed. The IRET returns to the BIOS keyboard
interrupt. DOS examines the internal DOS flag during its
housekeeping code to determine if Ctrl-Break has been
pressed. If the internal DOS flag equals 3, DOS runs the
same code that executes when Ctrl-C is detected. A quick
session with Debug shows that if you set the internal DOS
flag byte to 3, DOS places the ^C on the screen at the
current cursor location and executes an INT 23H. Since
the DOS interrupt 1bH handler is called from the keyboard
hardware interrupt, it must be replaced in order to
prevent Ctrl-Break from displaying ^C on the screen.
Flagging Ctrl-Break is an asynchronous event. Therefore,
Ctrl-Break may interrupt a program's execution when
Ctrl-C won't. For Ctrl-C to be recognized, the Ctrl-C
keycode has to be at the head of the keyboard buffer when
the DOS housekeeping process is executing. Ctrl-Break on
the other hand, immediately sets the internal DOS break
flag, which will be checked the next time the DOS
housekeeping process is executed.
Following is the pseudocode for the section of interrupt
21H which does the checking for Ctrl-C and Ctrl-Break.
FLAG is the DOS internal variable interrupt 1bH sets to 3
and NEXT_KEY is the value returned in AX by interrupt 16H
function 1.
if FLAG equals 3 OR NEXT_KEY equals CTRL_C then
print "^C"
flush keyboard buffer
switch to user stack
clear carry flag
execute INT 23h
change back to DOS stack
if (carry set) then
terminate program
Copyright 1990 Trendtech Corporation, Inc.
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CTRLCLIB - The Ctrl+C Library
continue interrupted DOS function
In the BIOS System Data Area you can find a byte at
40:71H called the Break Flag. According to the comment
in the BIOS listing, this byte flag will have bit 7 set
by the BIOS interrupt 9 handler when Ctrl-Break has been
pressed and the BIOS listing for interrupt 9 clearly
shows bit 7 being set. If you explore the BIOS code with
Debug you'll see that once set, bit 7 is never cleared.
The BIOS Break Flag is ignored by DOS. Once set by
interrupt 9, it stays set.
[David then describes his implementation of a Ctrl-c and
Ctrl-Break handler written in assembler. David's
approach is to override the INT16H keyboard handler to
solve the ^C problem.]
[In summary], you [can] replace the interrupt 1bH vector
with an IRET instruction to prevent DOS from displaying
the ^C on the screen when Ctrl-Break is pressed, and DOS
won't even know it happened. Ctrl-C, on the other hand,
involves hiding from DOS the Ctrl-C returned by the BIOS.
There are advantages to filtering the return values of
interrupt 16H as a means of controlling Ctrl-C. As I
demonstrated, the ^C won't show up on the screen. You
can have a flag set for your favorite high-level
language to examine, or with a little more effort, you
can convert Ctrl-C for use as a valid key combination for
your application. You have control!
Reprinted by permission from TECH Specialist,
vol. 1, no. 3, August 1990, for Trendtech Corporation.
Copyright 1990 by R&D Publications, 2601 Iowa Street,
Lawrence, KS 66046 (913) 841-1631.
David Burki is a consultant and author. He specializes in
systems and application software design and development under MS-
DOS using C and Assembly language. Projects include the
development of a sales analysis database for a major chemical
company and the design and development of a quality
assurance/patient tracking database for trauma center hospitals.
David may be contacted through us; call (201) 694-8622.
Copyright 1990 Trendtech Corporation, Inc.
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CTRLCLIB - The Ctrl+C Library
4.4 Our Solution - an Intelligent INT09
We've taken a different approach to solving the control-c,
control-break, and "^C" print problem. The gem of CTRLCLIB is
our implementation of an INT09H keyboard handler. In addition to
detecting Ctrl-C and other keystrokes, plus the "broadsiding"
keystrokes that cause the insidious "^C" characters to appear in
STDOUT, our INT09H implementation also handles most of the other
features and functions of CTRLCLIB. The communications device
between the various functions and our keyboard handler is a
control structure contained in a "header" file called CTRLC.H.
Our INT09H handler will intercept only the keystrokes you want
trapped based on CTRLCLIB functions your application program
calls and the flag settings they communicated to the control
We chose to use INT09H over INT16H so that we could provide
software developers with absolute control over the behavior of
their programs. Many TSR's trap INT09 looking for their "hot"
keys. This allows the TSR to manipulate the keystrokes BEFORE
your program gets them. If you implemented INT16H to capture
critical keystrokes, you couldn't be sure what was done with them
before your handler intercepted them. That's not to say that
some future TSR might use functions from CTRLCLIB; nevertheless,
since your application is normally loaded AFTER TSR's, your
program would STILL get first crack at the users' keystrokes. We
think this is what you want.
5.1 Technicals
CTRLCLIB supports PC/MS-DOS for the IBM PC/XT/AT, PS/2 and
80286 and 80386 compatibles. However, you'll need one of the
following compilers so your application can take advantage of the
benefits available in the Library:
Microsoft C
Microsoft Quick C
Borland Turbo C and C++
CTRLCLIB is written entirely in "C"; there is absolutely NO
assembly language for you to fool with. You just need one of the
C-compilers mentioned above to take full advantage of the
functions in CTRLCLIB.
Copyright 1990 Trendtech Corporation, Inc.
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CTRLCLIB - The Ctrl+C Library
5.2 Operation
Simply include the functions you need in your source code at
compile-time, plus CTRLCLIB that's specific to your compiler and
memory model size at link-time. That's all there is to it.
5.3 Using Library Functions
The easiest way to implement interrupt management functions
from CTRLCLIB is with a single call to the CtrlcLibSetup(...)
function placed at the beginning of your program. You specify
the traps and interrupts that your application is to control by
writing their CONSTANT names and "OR'ing" them together as a
single argument to the CtrlcLibSetup() function call.
The function call to CtrlcLibSetup() given in this
particular example will extend full control over the Control-
Break/Control-C program termination keypresses, including
accidental keypresses of Control-2 or ALT-3 (which also cause
program termination). Additionally, it will automatically reset
the PAUSE flag when the keyboard PAUSE key (CTRL+NUMLOCK on some
keyboards) is pressed, and deactivate the Print Screen key.
That's it. One function call.
You'll also want to make sure all of the traps and
interrupts that your program sets are cleared before program
termination. This can be done with a single call to
CtrlcLibCleanup(). This function will look through the interrupt
management control structure and reset all traps and interrupts
that it finds were previously set by the CtrlcLibSetup() function
call. This is important because if your program does not
properly reset some interrupt vectors when it terminates, the
interrupt vectors will be pointing to an area of memory which may
no longer contain the altered vector's code. In most cases, this
will "hang" the user's system. The only solution is a cold-boot.
Copyright 1990 Trendtech Corporation, Inc.
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CTRLCLIB - The Ctrl+C Library
5.4 The Interrupt Management Control Structure
Communication between the installed interrupts, other
CTRLCLIB functions, and your application program is accomplished
by setting values in a control structure which is #include'd in
your program at compile time. You don't set values, the
functions you call from CTRLCLIB do. The header file is called
CTRLC.H and must be included in any source module which calls
functions from CTRLCLIB. Additionally, the source module which
defines and initializes the variables are contained in module
CL_COMM.C. There's no need to add any special code to get the
functions to work.
5.5 Code Examples
The following example shows the minimum code requirements
for using functions from CTRLCLIB:
Copyright 1990 Trendtech Corporation, Inc.
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CTRLCLIB - The Ctrl+C Library
Main source module:
#include <stdio.h>
#define MAINL /* required in MAIN() source only*/
#include "ctrlc.h" /* required header */
. (your application code)
if (program_error())
Subsequent source module:
#include "ctrlc.h" /* required header */
(more code)
if (QueryCtrlC() == CTRLC) /*user pressed ctrl-c*/
return(1); /*(these tests are optional)*/
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CTRLCLIB - The Ctrl+C Library
Notice the first module declares and defines the main()
function. This is where the programmer decided to #define MAINL,
causing the interrupt control structure in CTRLC.H to be declared
and allocated memory. The subsequent source module uses a query
function from CTRLCLIB thus requiring the inclusion of the
CTRLC.H header. Notice too that in the subsequent module MAINL
is not defined, causing the interrupt control structure in turn
to be defined as EXTERN. The address of the interrupt management
control structure is resolved at link-time.
Both the Shareware disk and the Registered disk have the
source code for the CTRLC.H header. You can examine this file to
see how this is accomplished.
CTRLCLIB is distributed on floppy diskettes for both the
Shareware version and the Registered version. The Registered
version contains full source code and two additional memory model
libraries. This document describes both versions. Neither
version contains ALL of the files listed below.
The Shareware evaluation diskette can be freely copied and
shared. The Registered, number-serialized disks contain source
code and can not be shared or distributed. In either case you
receive a fully functional "bundled" product. That is to say, we
do not require you to order a separate disk for the Microsoft
compiler, another for the Borland compiler, and so on. You get
ready-made libraries for all supported C compilers.
CTRLCLIB is supported for all the C compilers we specify.
This makes porting your code from one compiler to another a very
easy process. It also helps to protect your application software
development investment while at the same time saving you a
significant sum of money!
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CTRLCLIB - The Ctrl+C Library
6.1 The Shareware Disk
The Shareware version of CTRLCLIB is distributed on a single
360k diskette. It contains libraries for the small and medium
models for use with the Microsoft C compiler, the Microsoft
Quick-C compiler, and Borland's Turbo-C and C++ compilers.
The Shareware disk contains the following files:
README.1ST <- Latest information and what to do
MSC5SH.ZIP <- Microsoft 5.1 archive library
MSC6SH.ZIP <- Microsoft 6.0 archive library
QC25SH.ZIP <- Microsoft Quick-C 2.5 archive library
TC20SH.ZIP <- Borland Turbo-C 2.0 archive library
TCXXSH.ZIP <- Borland Turbo-C++ 1.0 archive library
QUICKREF.DOC <- Summary of function calls
CTRLCDOC.EXE <- The User's Manual-self extracting
CLDEMO.EXE <- Demo program
BOOTDEMO.EXE <- System Reset demo program
CTRLC.H <- CTRLCLIB header file
CLDEMO.C <- Source code for Demo program
BOOTDEMO.C <- Source code for reboot program
HISTORY.DOC <- Revision history
REGISTER.FRM <- Registration form
VENDOR.DOC <- Distribution notes for disk vendors
SYSOP.DOC <- Distribution notes for BBS sysops
Each ZIP file contains two memory-model libraries, a 'MAKE'
file for building the two demo programs, and a batch file for
invoking the make program of your choice.
Contents of MSC5SH.ZIP (for Microsoft C Version 5.1)
COMPMSC5.BAT <- Batch program to invoke MAKE
MSC5.MAK <- MAKE file for Microsoft C 5.1 compiler
SMSC5CL.LIB <- Ctrl+C Library - small memory model
LMSC5CL.LIB <- Ctrl+C Library - large memory model
Contents of MSC6SH.ZIP (for Microsoft C Version 6.0)
COMPMSC6.BAT <- Batch program to invoke MAKE
MSC6.MAK <- MAKE file for Microsoft C 6.0 compiler
SMSC6CL.LIB <- Ctrl+C Library - small memory model
LMSC6CL.LIB <- Ctrl+C Library - large memory model
Contents of QC25SH.ZIP (for Microsoft Quick-C Version 2.5)
COMPQC25.BAT <- Batch program to invoke MAKE
QC25.MAK <- MAKE file for MS Quick-C 2.5 compiler
SQC25CL.LIB <- Ctrl+C Library - small memory model
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LQC25CL.LIB <- Ctrl+C Library - large memory model
Contents of TC20SH.ZIP (for Borland Turbo-C Version 2.0)
COMPTC20.BAT <- Batch program to invoke MAKE
TC20.MAK <- MAKE file for Turbo C 2.0 compiler
STC20CL.LIB <- Ctrl+C Library - small memory model
LTC20CL.LIB <- Ctrl+C Library - large memory model
Contents of TCXXSH.ZIP (for Borland Turbo-C++ Version 1.0)
COMPTCXX.BAT <- Batch program to invoke MAKE
TCXX.MAK <- MAKE file for Turbo C++ 1.0 compiler
STCXXCL.LIB <- Ctrl+C Library - small memory model
LTCXXCL.LIB <- Ctrl+C Library - large memory model
Contents of CTRLCDOC.EXE
CTRLCMAN.DOC <- Complete User Guide and Reference Manual
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6.2 The Registered Source Disk
Registered users will receive a number-serialized disk
containing the full source code, plus libraries for the compact
and medium memory-model for supported compilers. Additionally,
the disk will contain batch and make files for compiling all of
the source code and building each of the libraries.
The registered disk contains the following files:
README.2ND <- Latest information and what to do
SERIAL.NBR <- Registrant's serial number
LICENSE.DOC <- Licensing information
MSC5REG.ZIP <- Microsoft 5.1 additional archive library
MSC6REG.ZIP <- Microsoft 6.0 additional archive library
QC25REG.ZIP <- Microsoft Quick-C 2.5 additional library
TC20REG.ZIP <- Borland Turbo-C 2.0 additional library
TCXXREG.ZIP <- Borland Turbo-C++ 1.0 additional library
CLSOURCE.ZIP <- The full source code archive
CTRLCDOC.EXE <- The User's Guide-self extracting
HISTORY.DOC <- Revision history
Contents of CLSOURCE.ZIP
All source code for components of CTRLCLIB.
Contents of CTRLCDOC.EXE
CTRLCMAN.DOC <- Complete User Guide and Reference Manual
Contents of MSC5REG.ZIP (for Microsoft C Version 5.1)
CMSC5CL.LIB <- Ctrl+C Library - compact memory model
MMSC5CL.LIB <- Ctrl+C Library - medium memory model
Contents of MSC6REG.ZIP (for Microsoft C Version 6.0)
CMSC6CL.LIB <- Ctrl+C Library - compact memory model
MMSC6CL.LIB <- Ctrl+C Library - medium memory model
Contents of QC25REG.ZIP (for Microsoft Quick-C Version 2.5)
CQC25CL.LIB <- Ctrl+C Library - compact memory model
MQC25CL.LIB <- Ctrl+C Library - medium memory model
Contents of TC20REG.ZIP (for Borland Turbo-C Version 2.0)
CTC20CL.LIB <- Ctrl+C Library - compact memory model
MTC20CL.LIB <- Ctrl+C Library - medium memory model
Contents of TCXXREG.ZIP (for Borland Turbo-C++ Version 1.0)
CTCXXCL.LIB <- Ctrl+C Library - compact memory model
MTCXXCL.LIB <- Ctrl+C Library - medium memory model
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7.1 Installation
1) Please! MAKE A BACKUP OF ALL DISKS before you do anything
2) For installation on a hard drive, make a directory called
\CTRLC and copy the files from both diskettes to it.
Important files do NOT have duplicate names; even the
readme's are different.
2) a. SHAREWARE diskette - Use PKUNZIP to unarchive the
various ZIP files. There is a ZIP file for each
supported compiler. You will need about 400k of free
disk space for all of the files! Alternatively you can
extract only those files you need for use with a specific
compiler. Simply use PKUNZIP to extract the files from
each xxxxSH.ZIP file, for example:
gets you the small model library for the Microsoft C
Version 5.1 compiler. These library files contain the
SMALL and LARGE models.
b. REGISTERED Source Code diskette - Use PKUNZIP to
unarchive SOURCE.ZIP. Then, depending upon the compiler
and memory model you intend to use, unarchive one or more
of the following ZIP'd library files: MSC5REG.ZIP,
you plan on unarchiving all of the compiler specific ZIP
files you will need approximately 800K of free disk
space! These library files contain the MEDIUM and
COMPACT models.
3) Copy the Library that corresponds to the compiler and
memory model you are using onto the disk partition and
directory that you usually use with your "C" compiler.
The .LIB file should be on the same disk partition and
directory that the "C" runtime libraries are on.
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4) Remember there is no magic to using CTRLCLIB to make your
programs user-proof. Just a few simple steps is all you
7.2 Compiling
Compile your source code using whichever method suites you
best. If you're using an integrated development environment or a
programmers workbench make sure you specify the path to the
CTRLC.H header file. If you're using the full compiler with MAKE
files make sure your environment variables and/or make file
macros point to the path where CTRLC.H and the .LIB files can be
7.3 Linking
Simply specify the xxxxCL.LIB file that corresponds to the
compiler/memory model you are using. Don't forget to include
your compilers runtime library as well. The following examples
demonstrate basic linking using the small model library.
Microsoft (C & Quick C):
link cldemo,cldemo,,smsc5cl
Borland Turbo C:
tlink /c c0s cldemo,cldemo,cldemo,stc20cl emu maths cs
It is important here to note that when you incorporate
functions from CTRLCLIB into your program that you do so at the
end of your development and debugging cycle. Functions from
CTRLCLIB should be activated when you are confident that your
program will run without aborting or terminating abnormally. It
this happens, and your program has not restored the interrupt
handlers, you will almost ALWAYS have to reboot your system
because it will "hang". You can save a significant amount of
development time if you locate in your source code where you want
to place calls to functions in CTRLCLIB and then comment them out
so they won't compile. Remove the comments when you are ready to
ENABLE or DISABLE the interrupt handlers.
One of the benefits of using functions from CTRLCLIB is
interrupt feedback. By placing critical tests in your keyboard
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input routines you can detect user-initiated interrupts. We
suggest your program ALWAYS test for the break keys and allow the
user a graceful exit from your program. Try to sense the user's
need to exit quickly and provide feedback to them. Tell them for
example: "CTRL-C detected - cleaning up" and then allow your
program to perform its cleanup functions such as emptying
buffers, closing files, and freeing memory. You give the user
what they want - a quick exit - but, under your full control.
Complete management of, and communications between CTRLCLIB
functions is handled by variables declared in the CTRLC.H header
file. This is how various functions in the library can track
interrupts that have been installed. It is not advisable to
allow your program to manipulate the contents of these variables
directly. The user of your application program may find their
systems "hung" at termination time because your program modified
something that the interrupt management functions needed to know
about to properly reset an interrupt vector.
If you are upgrading from a previous version of CTRLCLIB be
sure to re-compile and re-link all of the source modules in your
application that call functions from the Library. This will
eliminate the possibility of any "unusual" problems.
The libraries were created on an AST 386/20 under DOS 3.3
using Microsoft 5.1, Microsoft 6.0, Microsoft QuickC 2.5,
Borland's Turbo C 2.0, and Turbo-C++ 1.0. Each compiler's own
"LIB" facility was used to create each associated library. The
test hardware included the following: AST 386/20, IBM PC/XT/AT,
DELL 386/25. Additionally, a wide variety of clones (8088, 8086,
80186, 80286, 80386) with brand name and noname components were
also tested.
8.1 Borland Turbo C Notes
Integrated Development Environment users should create
PROJECT files in order to be able to create executable programs
from within the IDE. The PROJECT file must contain the names of
all of the programs that comprise the application along with
specific entries for all third party libraries being used. In
the case of third party libraries, the complete path
specification for the library must be provided (e.g.
The control-c keystrokes will not be recognized by signal()
and ctrlbrk(). However, since your program will get feedback
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from functions in CTRLCLIB if these keys are pressed, it won't be
necessary to use these standard library functions.
If your testing your program within the IDE environment you
should comment out any CTRLCLIB functions since their use can
cause unpredictable results in these environments. When you're
ready to test your program as a stand-alone (i.e. outside of the
IDE environment) - then you can un-comment the functions.
8.2 Microsoft C Notes
Microsoft Version 5.1 and Version 6.0 libraries were
generated using the "/Zl" command line parameter. This should
insure compatibility with previous versions of the compiler.
8.3 Microsoft QuickC Notes
Quick-C Programming Environment users should create MAKE
files in order to be able to create executable programs from
within the Programming Environment. The MAKE file must contain
the names of all of the programs that comprise the application
along with specific entries for all third party libraries being
8.4 MS-DOS Notes
The CtrlC() function is a superset function and includes
trapping CTRL+BREAK; however, the code returned by QueryCtrlC()
is ALWAYS "CTRLC" because CTRL+BREAK generates a ^C character
which DOS gets a hold of and indicates a 'break'. ALSO note
that the infamous ^C characters are printed on the screen by DOS
when using PRINTF in C. If you want to prevent this, use the
FullCtrlC() function.
Disabling CTRL+BREAK *ONLY* will NOT disable CTRL+C. Typing
a CTRL+C (or CTRL+2) on the keyboard will definitely break the
user out of your program and NOT restore the CTRL+BREAK interrupt
vector. Note too that if your program only disables CTRL+BREAK
and the user presses CTRL+BREAK, the interrupt will NOT generate
the infamous ^C on the screen as CTRL+C will do. However,
pressing CTRL+C with just the CTRL+BREAK handler installed will
generate the ^C and return the user to DOS and hang the users'
system because the CTRL+BREAK vector will NOT get properly
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8.5 General Caveats
8.5.1 Keyboard Idiosyncrasies
Some of the following problems and idiosyncrasies that were
reported by alpha and beta testers during development of this
library. We report them here because they are not mainstream
problems, but rare oddities and quirks unique to certain
keyboards. If you're concerned about these, remember - when you
register, you'll get full source code to work with so you'll be
able to program for these oddities.
Tandy computers and keyboards of the TL and TX models seem
to be a real problem. With a third party video card installed
and the IEMSEMM.SYS EMS driver installed, the machine will not
respond to the CTRL+ALT+DEL reboot. Additionally, the machine
will not respond to a programmed reboot (SystemReset function).
If the video card is removed and the default hardwired TANDY 16
color is used with a CGA monitor and EMS driver removed then
CTRL+ALT+DEL works fine as well as the internal system reset call
(SystemReset function). This code won't work with the
IEMSEMM.SYS EMS driver installed. The machine will get to the
point where it tries to load the driver then hangs. This may be
a problem with this particular EMS driver. The following code is
needed to make the machine reboot with EGA:
mov bx,1234
mov ax,0040'
mov ds,ax
mov [0072],bx
jmp f000:e465
The Tandy keyboard (as well as some others) has "hardwired"
LED lights. That is, they respond only when the lock keys are
physically pressed. They don't respond programmatically to the
setting of the keyboard flags in the BIOS. If your program uses
the lock key functions there is no guarantee that the LED status
will reflect your programmed setting. However, the functionality
will be there. i.e. if you set a lock key to L_ON, it will be
on, and the keystroke entered will reflect the status of the lock
key - Capital A with caps lock set to L_ON, etc. even though the
LED light may be off.
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Apparently some models of TANDY don't have a PAUSE key and
the CTRL+NUMLOCK keys won't pause the system either. The HOLD
button acts like the pause key and can be trapped.
There are several other keyboards that act the same way.
Also, we found that the user can defeat the use of the L_ALWAYSON
setting. For example, if your program sets the caps lock key to
L_ALWAYSON, the user can type lower case characters by pressing
and HOLDING DOWN the SHIFT keys to type lower case characters.
This is normal procedure anyway since the keyboard was engineered
to respond that way.
The Heathkit H-150 has the same problems as the Tandy with
regard to the pause keys and keyboard LED lights.
One tester reported the PRINTSCREEN key on a Northgate
OmniKey/Plus had to be pressed twice to get the CLDEMO.EXE
program (Test 9,10,11) to respond. This may be a problem with
the demo program , but the functionality of blocking PRINTSCREEN
will still be preserved. Although another user with a Northgate
didn't report the problem. This problem did not occur on DELL or
AST extended keyboards.
Early DELL computers with the PHOENIX bios has a bug in the
way the mode lights are handled by the controller. When your
program sets the NUMLOCK to "L_ALWAYSON" you will ALWAYS get a
number returned when any keypad number key is pressed. HOWEVER,
if you press the NUMLOCK key, the light goes out! And - you will
still get numerics from keypad keypresses. These subsequent
keypresses will turn the mode light back on. Even though the
mode lights are messed up - the program functionality is
8.5.2 Virtual Control Programs WINDOWS, DESQview, VM386, OS/2, et al
There are some important functions provided by CTRLCLIB that
simply will not work under some or all of these types of control
programs. Applications will run as sub-tasks under these multi-
tasking systems, so if they use functions from CTRLCLIB there's
no guarantee that they will work properly. This is because some
of the more powerful functions like capturing control-c, blocking
ctrl-alt-delete, etc. are controlled by our INT09 ISR (Interrupt
Service Routine). Many control programs reset their ISR's if
they've found to be replaced which means the functionality is
lost to a certain extent because they are usually replaced with
an equivalent provided by the control program.
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Under Microsoft Windows, virtually all of the key sequences
that can be captured and blocked by functions in CTRLCLIB are
already suitably controlled by Windows. However, the LOCK keys
can still be controlled.
Under DESQview, the CTRL+ALT+DEL reboot sequence is captured
and serves to close the current window. The CTRL+NUMLOCK
sequence, which is the PAUSE on XT keyboards but not on extended
keyboards will still PAUSE the system under DESQview.
The CTRL+ALT+DEL sequence trap does not appear to work when
running the CLDEMO program in a DOS box under Windows.
8.5.3 Other Caveats TSR's
o There is a minor problem with the Shareware TSR program
called "CTRLALT". When "popped up", CTRLALT modifies the keypad
such that ALT+1 produces a lower left box character (equivalent
to ALT+192; ALT+2 is the lower line, and ALT+3 is the right
corner. With your program loaded and running with full control-c
suppression (function FullCtrlC), ALT+3 keypress will not be
passed to CTRLALT to draw the lower right corner.
o The use of a TSR called KBFIX produces interesting results
in TEST 16 of the CLDEMO program. If you press ScrollLock, the
system pauses. Then, if you press Enter a few times nothing
happens. When you press ScrollLock again, the Enter's get
released all at once which appears to be KBFIX's normal behavior.
o Regarding controlling of the CapsLock, NumLock, ScrollLock,
and such, popping into SIDEKICK PLUS allows one to release the
locks (by pressing their keys *twice*). With CapsLock, for
example, you can pop back down to CLDEMO, press the letter a
key and get a lower-case "a" echoed to the screen. At that
point, the CapsLock light does go back on again.
NOTE: Please remember - these caveats were reported when using
the demo program. The demo program was especially set up to
provide feedback to the evaluator. Except for some physical
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keyboard design problems, NO CTRL+C LIBRARY FUNCTIONALITY IS
LOST! You can use each function for its intended purpose.
8.6 Making Changes
Incorporating local modifications or enhancements is, in
part, why you acquired the source code for CTRLCLIB to begin
with. Incorporating your modifications or enhancements should be
a relatively straight forward task. Please study and understand
the code before attempting modifications. Remember there is a
lot of communication going on between the functions.
If you feel you have developed a significant enhancement
that would be useful and is well written and documented please
let us know. We have often incorporated customer supplied
enhancements to our products. Contact us for further details.
8.7 Feedback
PLEASE - Pass along your comments to us. CTRLCLIB is a
powerful tool for making your application programs "user-proof".
If you find any logic errors please let us know. We are
committed to making CTRLCLIB a standard "tool" in the MS-DOS
programmer's toolbox at the best price available. If you have an
idea for a new function or a way to improve an existing one, then
please call, write, fax, or if you prefer, you can reach us via
CompuServe. Our CompuServe electronic mail ID is [76210,771].
We will consider all requests and ideas. Lastly, if you use
CTRLCLIB, register your copy and get the complete source code.
The Shareware System will only work if you support it!
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CTRLCLIB - Function Calls
(listed alphabetically)
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9.1 int BreakFlag( action, flagset )
int action;
int flagset;
The BreakFlag function can be used to set or interrogate the
status of CTRL+C checking by MS-DOS. MS-DOS normally checks for
the pressing of CTRL+C only when performing certain tasks. When
CTRL+C checking is enabled, MS-DOS will check for CTRL+C during
ANY function request.
The BREAK command is normally used in the config.sys file to
establish the degree of checking by MS-DOS for the CTRL+BREAK
keypress. The default setting - BREAK OFF means that MS-DOS will
only check for CTRL+BREAK during keyboard and screen I/O. BREAK
ON lets MS-DOS check for the CTRL+BREAK keypress during ANY MS-
DOS function. The application program can override the "BREAK
ON" or BREAK OFF" command by issuing a BreakFlag function call to
check the current status, and then changing the setting of the
flag accordingly.
"action" is a constant and can be either GETBREAKFLAG or
SETBREAKFLAG. "flagset" must contain a zero or non-zero value.
"flagset" is ignored if the "action" is GETBREAKFLAG. If the
"action" is SETBREAKFLAG, and "flagset" is a non-zero value, the
break flag will be set to the equivalent of "BREAK ON" and will
enable MS-DOS to check for the CTRL+BREAK keypress during all
function requests.
Return Value
The return value is the current effective setting of the flag.
i = BreakFlag(GETBREAKFLAG,0); //Interrogate current setting
i = BreakFlag(SETBREAKFLAG,1); // Same as BREAK ON
i = BreakFlag(SETBREAKFLAG,0); // Same as BREAK OFF
Additional Notes and Cautions
This is useful for applications doing extensive file I/O
that requires a degree of control over MS-DOS's break checking
See Also: FullCtrlC(), CtrlBreak(), CtrlC()
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9.2 int CapsLock( setting )
int setting;
The CapsLock function provides a number of different ways a
program can manage the status of the keyboard CAPS LOCK key. The
"setting" must be one of the CONSTANTS listed below. A setting
of NULL or zero will return the previous CapsLock() setting of
the CAPS LOCK key.
"setting" is one of the following constants:
L_ALWAYSOFF Turn CAPS LOCK off and keep it off;
user cannot turn the CAPS LOCK key
L_ALWAYSON Turn CAPS LOCK on and keep it on;
user cannot turn the CAPS LOCK key
L_TOGGLE Reverses the setting of the CAPS
LOCK key; if it was ON, it will be
turned off, and visa versa.
zero or NULL Return previous setting
Return Value
CapsLock() returns the functions' previous setting. It will
return zero the first time it is called. It will also return
zero or the previous setting if it was called with an invalid
Additional Notes and Cautions
This function returns the setting as it was set by a
previous call to this function. It does NOT return the current
status of the CAPS LOCK key as it is currently set in the
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keyboard FLAG bytes. If this function was never previously
called, it will return a zero.
Before using the L_TOGGLE parameter, the program should set
the key to some known state such as L_OFF or L_ON.
Behavior of the keyboard with regard to the NEXT keystroke
is unpredictable if CapsLock() is called with L_TOGGLE after an
Use L_OFF to remove the permanent L_ALWAYSOFF or L_ALWAYSON
The L_ALWAYSOFF and L_ALWAYSON settings will cause the
Keyboard Handler to be installed. You MUST call CapsLock(L_OFF)
or CtrlcLibCleanup() to remove it prior to an exit() or abort()
function call.
See Also
NumLock(), ScrollLock(), InsertLock()
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CTRLCLIB - The Ctrl+C Library
9.3 int CtrlcLibSetup(varg)
unsigned int varg;
The CtrlcLibSetup() function can be used as a shortcut to
install all the desired interrupt handlers and traps that you
need in a single function call. By OR'ing together some or all
of the CONSTANTS listed below, this function will install each
one listed. The corresponding function CtrlcLibCleanup() must be
called prior to any programmed exit or abort.
interrupt management
CTRLALTDEL Install system reset interrupt
management control
PAUSEKEY Prevent use of the PAUSE key or
CTRL+NUMLOCK to pause the system
CTRLS Prevent use of CTRL+S to pause
printing to the screen
CTRLP Prevent line echo to the printer
PRINTSCREEN Prevent screen dump to the printer
SYSREQ Trap the SYSREQ keypress
CTRLC Trap the CTRL+C keypress and
prevent program termination
CTRLBREAK Trap the CTRL+BREAK keypress and
prevent program termination
(Note: FCTRLC includes CTRLC and CTRLBREAK)
Return Value
CtrlcLibSetup() returns a count of the number of traps and
handlers installed.
Additional Notes and Cautions
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Using FCTRLC will install the Keyboard Handler to prevent
the ^C character from entering the keyboard buffer. FCTRLC will
also trap the CTRL+C and CTRL+BREAK keypress. Use of FCTRLC with
either/or CTRLC or CTRLBREAK is redundant and unnecessary.
See Also
#include <stdio.h>
#define MAINL
#include "ctrlc.h"
void main(void)
int i;
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9.4 void CtrlcLibCleanup( void )
The CtrlcLibCleanup function will remove all interrupt
management routines that your application may have installed, and
additionally, will reset all the LOCK keys to off.
Return Value
There is no return value from this function.
Additional Notes and Cautions
CtrlcLibCleanup() can be called whether or not
CtrlcLibSetup() was used to initialize interrupt management. If
separate interrupt management functions were used to trap keys,
CtrlcLibCleanup() can be used instead of re-issuing separate
function calls to remove them.
Be aware that calling CtrlcLibCleanup will increase your
programs code size because this function call causes ALL of
CTRLCLIB interrupt management routines to be linked into your
program whether you use them or not. All interrupt management
functions are called inside of CtrlcLibCleanup() with the
argument of "ENABLE" or "REMOVE". The functions are robust
enough to know if they've been installed or not, so you don't
have to worry about missing an interrupt.
See Also
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9.5 void CtrlAltDel( action )
int action;
The CtrlAltDel function call installs the Keyboard Handler
to trap the CTRL+ALT+DEL keypress action of the user. The
CTRL+ALT+DEL is the standard system reset keypress sequence.
"action" is one of the following CONSTANTS:
DISABLE Traps the Ctrl+Alt+Del keypress and
prevents a system reset by the
ENABLE Returns full functionality to the
Ctrl+Alt+Del system reset keys.
Return Value
There is no return value.
Additional Notes and Cautions
The program can check if these keys were pressed by
examining the variable "cl.BootFlag" for a non-zero value.
If desired, your program can then perform an "orderly"
shutdown - closing files, cleaning up work areas, etc., then call
SystemReset() to force a reboot.
See Also
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9.6 void CtrlBreak( action )
int action;
The CtrlBreak function call installs an interrupt management
function to intercept the CTRL+BREAK keypress by the user.
"action" is one of the following CONSTANTS:
DISABLE Traps the Ctrl+Break keypress and
prevents program termination.
ENABLE Returns full functionality to the
Ctrl+Break keypress.
Return Value
There is no return value.
Additional Notes and Cautions
Using CtrlBreak by itself will only trap the CTRL+BREAK
keypress. The "^C" code will still be echo'ed to the screen by
The application program can examine the variable
cl.BreakFlag or use QueryCtrlC() to see if this key was pressed
by the user.
See Also
CtrlC(), FullCtrlC(), QueryCtrlC()
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9.7 void CtrlC( action )
int action;
The CtrlC function installs an interrupt management routine
to intercept the CTRL+C keypress by the user.
"action" is one of the following CONSTANTS:
DISABLE Traps the Ctrl+C keypress and
prevents program termination.
ENABLE Returns full functionality to the
Ctrl+C keys.
Return Value
There is no return value.
Additional Notes and Cautions
Using CtrlC by itself will only trap the CTRL+C keypress.
The "^C" code will still be echo'ed to the screen by MS-DOS.
Additionally, if the CTRL+BREAK key is pressed AND the CtrlBreak
interrupt management function was NOT installed, then the
control-break keypress will act like control-c and cause program
See Also
CtrlC(), FullCtrlC(), QueryCtrlC()
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9.8 void CtrlP( action )
int action;
The CtrlP interrupt management function will capture the
CTRL+PRTSCRN and the CTRL+P keypresses. These keypresses by the
user normally cause STDOUT output to the screen to be echo'ed
line-by-line to the attached printer.
"action" is one of the following CONSTANTS:
DISABLE Traps the Ctrl+P and
Ctrl+PrintScreen keypress and
prevents MS-DOS from echoing screen
lines to the printer
ENABLE Returns full functionality to the
Ctrl+P and Ctrl+PrintScreen keys.
Return Value
There is no return value.
Additional Notes and Cautions
Use QueryPrtScrn() to determine which set of print keys were
See Also
PrintScreen(), QueryPrtScrn()
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CTRLCLIB - The Ctrl+C Library
9.9 void CtrlS( action)
int action;
When the user presses the CTRL+S keys, MS-DOS output to the
screen is halted temporarily until any typing key is pressed.
The CtrlS interrupt management function will capture the CTRL+S
keypress by the user thus preventing printing to the screen to be
"action" is one of the following CONSTANTS:
DISABLE Traps the Ctrl+S pause to STDOUT
ENABLE Returns full functionality to the
Ctrl+S keys.
Return Value
There is no return value.
Additional Notes
The application program can examine the variable named
cl.PauseFlag in the control structure to see if the user pressed
See Also
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9.10 void FullCtrlC( action )
int action;
The FullCtrlC interrupt management function will prevent the
user from breaking out of the application program when the
CTRL+BREAK or the CTRL+C keys are pressed. This function will
also prevent MS-DOS from echoing the "^C" characters to the
"action" is one of the following CONSTANTS:
DISABLE Traps the Control-C, Alt+kp3,
Control-2 keypress, plus control-
break and prevents program
ENABLE Returns full functionality to these
program break keys.
Return Value
There is no return value.
Additional Notes and Cautions
The application program can issue the function call
QueryCtrlC() to determine which keys were pressed.
See Also
CtrlC(), CtrlBreak(), QueryCtrlC()
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CTRLCLIB - The Ctrl+C Library
9.11 int InsertLock( setting)
int setting;
The InsertLock function provides a number of different ways
a program can manage the status of the keyboard INSERT key. The
INSERT key is the keypad zero ( 0 ) key on ALL keyboards. On the
101 key keyboard it is also a separate key located above the
DELETE key in the cursor movement key area between the main
typing area and the keypad area. The INSERT key has no mode
light to indicate a "LOCKED" or "ON" condition. The "setting"
must be one of the CONSTANTS listed below. A setting of NULL or
zero will return the previous InsertLock() setting of the INSERT
LOCK key.
L_OFF Turns INSERT key off
L_ON Turns INSERT key on
L_ALWAYSOFF Turn INSERT key off and keep it
off; user cannot
turn the INSERT key on
L_ALWAYSON Turn INSERT key on and keep it on;
user cannot turn the INSERT LOCK
key off
L_TOGGLE Reverses the setting of the INSERT
key; if it was ON, it will be
turned off, and visa versa.
0 or NULL Return previous setting
Return Value
InsertLock() returns the functions' previous setting. It
will return zero the first time it is called. It will also
return zero or the previous setting if it was called with an
invalid CONSTANT.
Additional Notes and Cautions
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This function returns the setting of the INSERT key as it
was set by a previous call to this function.
Before using the L_TOGGLE parameter, the program should set
the INSERT key to some known state such as L_OFF or L_ON.
Behavior of the keyboard with regard to the NEXT keystroke
is unpredictable if InsertLock is called with L_TOGGLE after an
Use L_OFF to remove the permanent L_ALWAYSOFF or L_ALWAYSON
The L_ALWAYSOFF and L_ALWAYSON settings will cause the
Keyboard Handler to be installed. You MUST call
InsertLock(L_OFF) or CtrlcLibCleanup() to remove it prior to a
standard library exit() or abort() function call.
See Also
NumLock(), CapsLock(), ScrollLock()
void main(void)
InsertLock(L_ALWAYSON); /* keep caps lock ON */
InsertLock(L_OFF); /* unlock the caps lock key */
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9.12 void KeyboardHandler( action )
int action;
The KeyboardHandler function installs an INT09 interrupt
service routine to handle keyboard make/break codes. This is a
low-level routine that is called by most of the other interrupt
management functions when the trapping of certain keypresses
requires this routine to be called. The INSTALL action will
replace the BIOS INT09 with KeyboardVector, the actual ISR. The
REMOVE action will restore the original BIOS INT09.
Return Value
There is no return value.
Additional Notes and Cautions
The application program should never call this function
directly. Use the interrupt management functions for the
specific keys to be trapped. These functions in turn, will call
KeyboardHandler(). If the application program installs the INT09
interrupt service routine with KeyboardHandler, then it must use
either KeyboardHandler with the REMOVE parameter or call
See Also
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9.13 int NumLock( setting )
int setting;
The NumLock function provides a number of different ways a
program can manage the status of the keyboard NUM LOCK key. The
Num-Lock key, when locked on will cause keypresses of the keypad
keys to send the ASCII numbers 0 thru 9 to the keyboard buffer
area. When the NUM LOCK key is off, the keypresses will send
cursor movement characters to the keyboard buffer. On more
advanced keyboards, the NUM LOCK key has a mode light to indicate
a "LOCKED" or "ON" condition.
The "setting" must be one of the CONSTANTS listed below. A
setting of NULL or zero will return the previous NumLock()
setting of the NUM LOCK key.
L_OFF Turns NUM LOCK off
L_ON Turns NUM LOCK on
L_ALWAYSOFF Turn NUM LOCK off and keep it off;
user cannot turn the NUM LOCK key
L_ALWAYSON Turn NUM LOCK on and keep it on;
user cannot turn the NUM LOCK key
L_TOGGLE Reverses the setting of the NUM
LOCK key; if it was ON, it will be
turned off, and visa versa.
0 or NULL Return previous setting
Return Value
NumLock() returns the functions' previous setting. It will
return zero the first time it is called. It will also return
zero or the previous setting if it was called with an invalid
Additional Notes and Cautions
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This function returns the setting of the NUM LOCK key as it
was set by a previous call to this function.
Before using the L_TOGGLE parameter, the program should set
the NUM LOCK key to some known state such as L_OFF or L_ON.
Behavior of the keyboard with regard to the NEXT keystroke
is unpredictable if NumLock is called with L_TOGGLE after an
Use L_OFF to remove the permanent L_ALWAYSOFF or L_ALWAYSON
The L_ALWAYSOFF and L_ALWAYSON settings will cause the
Keyboard Handler to be installed. You MUST call NumLock(L_OFF)
or CtrlcLibCleanup() to remove it prior to a standard library
exit() or abort() function call.
See Also
CapsLock(), ScrollLock(), InsertLock()
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CTRLCLIB - The Ctrl+C Library
9.14 void PauseKey( action )
int action;
The PauseKey interrupt management function resets the effect
of a keypress of the PAUSE key or the CTRL+NUMLOCK keys. These
keys cause the system to pause all processing. When pressed, a
flag is set in the BIOS and the BIOS keyboard handler will loop
internally until the flag is reset by another keypress. The
DISABLE action installs a timer interrupt handler that will reset
the internal hold flag every time the pause key is pressed. The
ENABLE action will remove the interrupt handler and restore the
capability of the pause key to pause the system.
"action" is one of the following CONSTANTS:
DISABLE Install a timer interrupt to reset
the "wait" bit whenever PAUSE is
ENABLE Returns full functionality to the
Return Value
There is no return value.
Additional Notes and Cautions
The PauseKey function will NOT trap the CTRL+S keypress by
the user. The CTRL+S keys will only pause output to the screen
or STDOUT. Use the CtrlS() function to trap these keys.
The application program can test the cl.PauseFlag variable
to determine if the PAUSE key was pressed by the user.
See Also
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CTRLCLIB - The Ctrl+C Library
9.15 void PrintScreen( action )
int action;
The PrintScreen function installs an interrupt management
function that traps the PRINT SCREEN keypress sequence and
disables the usual screen print to the printer.
"action" is one of the following CONSTANTS:
DISABLE Traps the PRINT SCREEN keypress and
prevents a screen "dump" to the
ENABLE Returns full functionality to the
Return Value
There is no return value.
Additional Notes and Cautions
See Also
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CTRLCLIB - The Ctrl+C Library
9.16 unsigned QueryCtrlC(void)
The QueryCtrlC function returns the value of CTRLCLIB
structure's "break" flag and at the same time resets it to zero.
Return Value
Returns a value indicating if the user pressed one of the
"break" keys depending on the interrupt management functions
CTRLC The user pressed the CTRL+C keys.
CTRLBREAK The user pressed the CTRL+BREAK keys
CTRL2 The user pressed the CTRL+2 keys
ALT3 The user pressed the ALT+Keypad 3 keys
zero None of these keys were pressed.
Additional Notes and Cautions
The CTRL2 and ALT3 values will be returned ONLY if the
FullCtrlC interrupt management function was called.
See Also
FullCtrlC(), CtrlC(), CtrlBreak()
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CTRLCLIB - The Ctrl+C Library
9.17 unsigned QueryKeyPad5(void)
The QueryKeyPad5 function returns the value of CTRLCLIB
structure's keypad 5 status flag and resets it to zero.
Return Value
Returns a boolean value indicating if the user pressed the
key pad 5 key. The setting of the NUMLOCK key is irrelevant.
KEYPAD5 The user pressed the Keypad 5 key.
zero This key was not pressed.
Additional Notes and Cautions
See Also
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9.18 unsigned QueryPrtScr(void)
The QueryPrtScr function returns the value of CTRLCLIB
structure's print screen status flag and resets it to zero.
Return Value
Returns a value indicating if the user pressed any print
screen function keys depending on the interrupt management
functions installed:
CTRLP The user pressed the CTRL+P keys.
CTRLPRTSCR The user pressed the CTRL+PRTSCRN keys
PRINTSCEEN The user pressed the PRINTSCREEN or
zero None of these keys were pressed.
Additional Notes and Cautions
See Also
CtrlP() PrintScreen()
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CTRLCLIB - The Ctrl+C Library
9.19 unsigned QuerySysReq(void)
The QuerySysReq function returns the value of CTRLCLIB
structure's SysReq flag and at the same time resets it to zero.
Return Value
Returns a value indicating if the user pressed the SysReq
SYSREQ The user pressed the SysReq key.
zero This key was not pressed.
Additional Notes and Cautions
See Also
FullCtrlC(), CtrlC(), CtrlBreak()
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CTRLCLIB - The Ctrl+C Library
9.20 int ScrollLock( setting )
int setting;
The ScrollLock function provides a variety of ways a program
can manage the status of the keyboard SCROLL LOCK key. The
"setting" must be one of the CONSTANTS listed below. A setting
of NULL or zero will return the previous ScrollLock() setting of
the SCROLL LOCK key.
L_ALWAYSOFF Turns SCROLL LOCK off and keeps it
off; user cannot turn the SCROLL
LOCK key on
L_ALWAYSON Turns SCROLL LOCK on and keeps it
on; user cannot turn the SCROLL
LOCK key off
L_TOGGLE Reverses the setting of the SCROLL
LOCK key; if it was ON, it will be
turned off, and visa versa.
0 or NULL Return the previous setting
Return Value
ScrollLock() returns the functions' previous setting. It
will return zero the first time it is called. It will also
return zero or the previous setting if it was called with an
invalid CONSTANT.
Additional Notes and Cautions
This function returns the setting as it was set by a
previous call to ScrollLock. If this function was not previously
called, the first call to it will return a zero.
Before using the L_TOGGLE parameter, the program should set
the Scroll Lock key to some known state such as L_OFF or L_ON.
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Behavior of the keyboard with regard to the NEXT keystroke
is unpredictable if ScrollLock is called with L_TOGGLE after an
Use L_OFF to remove the permanent L_ALWAYSOFF or L_ALWAYSON
The L_ALWAYSOFF and L_ALWAYSON settings will cause the
Keyboard Handler to be installed. You MUST call
ScrollLock(L_OFF) or CtrlcLibCleanup() to remove it prior to a
standard library exit() or abort() function call.
See Also
NumLock(), CapsLock(), InsertLock()
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CTRLCLIB - The Ctrl+C Library
9.21 void ShowCtrlC( void)
This support function will print the "^C" characters on the
display at the current cursor location.
Return Value
There is no return value
Additional Notes and Cautions
The ^C characters are followed by a carriage return
character that positions the cursor at the beginning of the next
line. Use this with FullCtrlC() to fully simulate a control-
See Also
FullCtrlC() CtrlC() CtrlBreak()
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9.22 void SysReq( action )
int action;
The SysReq function installs an interrupt service routine
that captures any keypress of the "SysReq" key.
"action" is one of the following CONSTANTS:
INSTALL Traps the SysReq keypress. Sets a
flag when the user presses this
REMOVE Returns full functionality to the
SysReq key.
Return Value
There is no return value.
Additional Notes and Cautions
This function installs the Keyboard Handler, be sure to
REMOVE the SysReq trap before program termination.
Use the QuerySysReq function to determine if the user
pressed the SysReq key. The return value of QuerySysReq is
unpredictable if SysReq was never INSTALL'ed.
See Also
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9.23 void SystemReset( action )
int action;
Calling this function will cause the users PC to reboot
according to the "action" requested.
"action" is one of the following CONSTANTS:
WARMBOOT Reset the PC and perform a
warmboot; same as pressing the
CTRL+ALT+DEL key sequence
COLDBOOT Reset the PC and perform complete
coldboot diagnostics followed by
boot-up of MS-DOS. This is the
same as turning the machine OFF
then ON again.
Return Value
There is no return value. The system is reset.
Additional Notes and Cautions
This function should be used in conjunction with the
CtrlAltDel() function to trap any user keypress of the system
reset keys.
See Also
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CTRLCLIB - The Ctrl+C Library
(a) This collection of object libraries, programs and files
is referred to as "CTRLCLIB - The Ctrl+C Library". If you have
received it without registering with Trendtech Corporation, you
have the "Shareware Version" of CTRLCLIB, and the license in this
section describes your permitted use of the software. If you
have registered with Trendtech Corporation, your permitted use is
described in the registration section below; in addition, you
continue to have the right to distribute the Shareware Version of
CTRLCLIB as described in this section.
(b) CTRLCLIB is a commercial software package. It is not
free, and it is not in the public domain. It is distributed as
Shareware, which means that before you pay for the package, you
may evaluate it and see if you want to continue using it. You
may use CTRLCLIB free for a trial period of up to thirty (30)
days. In order to continue use after that period, or include any
part or all of this software as part of any saleable product,
either commercial, shareware, or freeware, registration with
Trendtech Corporation is required. Any such use of CTRLCLIB
without registration is in violation of federal copyright laws
and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
(c) (i) You may give complete, exact copies of the entire
Shareware Version to others, either personally or
through electronic distribution. They may also use and
copy this Shareware Version under the terms of this
(ii) You may NOT distribute CTRLCLIB other than
through exact, complete copies of the Shareware Version
passed to friends and associates for their individual
use, or distributed electronically. Among other
things, you may not place CTRLCLIB or any part of the
CTRLCLIB package in any user-group or commercial
library without express written permission from
Trendtech Corporation, and you may not distribute for a
fee, or in any way sell copies of CTRLCLIB or any part
of CTRLCLIB package without express written permission
from Trendtech Corporation. Any other use of the
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CTRLCLIB - The Ctrl+C Library
Shareware Version by any person, business, corporation,
government organization, or any other entity is
strictly forbidden and is a violation of this license
(iii) The CTRLCLIB Shareware Version diskette, which
contains a copy of this manual, may be freely copied
and shared. But printed copies of this document may
not be photocopied in any way without written
permission from Trendtech Corporation. No copy of the
software may be distributed or given away without this
accompanying documentation; this notice must not be
If you do not agree with these terms and conditions, you do
not have permission from the copyright holder, Trendtech
Corporation, to use the Shareware Version of CTRLCLIB, and you
must stop using it and remove it from your computer. Any use or
distribution of CTRLCLIB which violates this license agreement
will be considered a copyright violation, and prosecuted to the
full extent of the law.
10.2 Warranty and Liability Information.
10.2.1 Shareware Version - Warranty Exclusion
10.2.2 Registered Version - Limited Warranty
Trendtech Corporation warrants that CTRLCLIB diskette,
source code and documentation distributed to registered users are
free of physical defects, subject to the following: Trendtech
Corporation will replace or refund the purchase price of the
diskette and/or any other physical parts or components of
CTRLCLIB found to be defective, if such defect is the fault of
Trendtech Corporation and not the result of misuse or abuse, and
if the defective items are returned to Trendtech Corporation
Copyright 1990 Trendtech Corporation, Inc.
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CTRLCLIB - The Ctrl+C Library
within the warranty period of thirty (30) days after
10.2.3 Liability Limitation
We encourage you to register your copy of CTRLCLIB. The
registration fee is $30.00 plus shipping and handling.
Registration entitles you to several benefits:
1. A number-serialized diskette containing ALL of the
SOURCE CODE in CTRLCLIB for all supported C compilers.
2. Free telephone and mail support.
3. Minimal fee updates. Minimal fees cover the cost of
media, shipping, handling, and update preparation. See the
section entitled Upgrade Policy in Appendix -C- for upgrade
4. Royalty-free distribution of compiled CTRLCLIB routines
used within your own software products.
5. A license to use CTRLCLIB after the thirty day (30)
trial period has expired.
6. Thanks from us for your support and encouragement!
10.3.1 Source Code
Copyright 1990 Trendtech Corporation, Inc.
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CTRLCLIB - The Ctrl+C Library
All source code provided with the registered version of
CTRLCLIB is provided for purposes of your internal use only. You
may freely modify the source code as you please, and use it
internally within the scope of your applicable internal use
license, provided that the original copyright notice on CTRLCLIB
in the form released by Trendtech Corporation must be included in
If you include some or all of the source code, in modified
or unmodified form, within your own program as a functioning part
of your program, then you may distribute as part of that program
under the same terms as set forth in 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4 below.
10.3.2 Single-User License
(a) Description. You become a registered user of CTRLCLIB
when you pay the registration fee indicated below to Trendtech
The Single-User Registration fee for CTRLCLIB is as follows:
U.S.A. - $30.00, plus $3.00 for shipping/handling
Canada - $30.00, plus $5.00 for shipping/handling
Overseas - $30.00, plus $10.00 for shipping/handling
MASTERCARD and VISA credit cards are accepted. All paper
payments (checks, M.O., Postal M.O., etc.) MUST be expressed in
U.S. dollars and drawn on a U.S. bank. Others will be returned.
These prices are only for the registered version of CTRLCLIB
corresponding to the release of the Shareware Version in which
this license Agreement is contained. Later releases of CTRLCLIB
may have different registration fees, and Trendtech Corporation
is not obligated to accept registrations for less than the fees
applicable to the then-current release.
(b) Internal Use. This "SINGLE-USER" license authorizes
you to use CTRLCLIB on any computer system you may own or use on
a regular basis, so long as CTRLCLIB is used on only one computer
system at a time. You may also install it on a computer attached
to a network, or remove it from one computer and install it on a
different one, provided there is no possibility that a single
copy of CTRLCLIB will be used on more than one computer at a
Copyright 1990 Trendtech Corporation, Inc.
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CTRLCLIB - The Ctrl+C Library
(c) Distribution. You may distribute routines and programs
that use functions from CTRLCLIB on the following terms only:
(i) They may be distributed free of charge, but you
must register your intended use with Trendtech
Corporation BEFORE ANY distribution.
(ii) They can be distributed only within your own
computer programs, and not by themselves.
(iii) They must be fully functioning parts of your own
programs, and entirely unavailable to recipients of
your programs as stand-alone parts of any software
toolkit, library, or collection.
(iv) Any program containing CTRLCLIB functions,
routines or programs must be distributed in compiled
form only.
(v) Any program that you distribute containing
CTRLCLIB functions, routines or programs must contain a
copyright notice in the program code properly
protecting Trendtech Corporation's copyrights in
CTRLCLIB. If you are uncertain about proper copyright
notice, please contact Trendtech Corporation for
Except as set forth above, you may NOT give, sell, or
otherwise transfer copies of the registered version of CTRLCLIB
to any other person or business for any reason. You may copy
your registered version of CTRLCLIB for backup purposes only.
10.3.3 Network License.
(a) Description. You may register CTRLCLIB for use on a
computer network or other multi-user computer system. A fully
registered and paid-for copy of CTRLCLIB, according to the prices
set forth in 3.1(a) above, is required for each
(b) Internal Use. Usage of CTRLCLIB on a network or other
multi user-system constitutes usage of it for each
workstation/"keyboard" connected to the network, whether CTRLCLIB
is used on each of the workstations or not.
(c) Distribution. Same as 3.2
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CTRLCLIB - The Ctrl+C Library
10.3.4 Site License
(a) Description. You may register CTRLCLIB for use at one
or more "sites". A site is defined as a single building or group
of buildings at the same public mailing address.
(b) Internal Use. A site license allows unlimited INTERNAL
use of CTRLCLIB, on any number of machines, at the specified
location. Please contact TRENDTECH CORPORATION for a copy of our
General Licensing Provisions and site license fee schedule.
(c) Distribution. Same as 3.2
10.3.5 Retail Distribution
Contact Trendtech Corporation for information about retail
distribution of CTRLCLIB and discount schedules.
10.3.6 Sales Tax:
Licenses purchased in the State of New Jersey are subject to
applicable sales taxes.
You agree that Trendtech Corporation is the sole owner of
all rights and interests in CTRLCLIB, including but not limited
to all copyrights, trade secrets, and patents (to Licensor's
knowledge) in CTRLCLIB. You agree that nothing in this Agreement
shall cause Trendtech Corporation's ownership rights in CTRLCLIB
to be reduced in any way, nor cause you to gain any ownership
rights in CTRLCLIB. Licensee shall not copy, reproduce,
distribute, display, or operate CTRLCLIB except as expressly
provided herein, nor modify or attempt to modify CTRLCLIB in
whole or in part. You further agree that any modified versions
you may create of any source code routines or programs in
CTRLCLIB are fully covered by all of the terms of this Agreement,
and may not be used by you except as authorized in this
Copyright 1990 Trendtech Corporation, Inc.
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CTRLCLIB - The Ctrl+C Library
The Shareware method of software distribution gives users a
chance to try software before buying it by evaluating it for a
period of time. If you try a Shareware program and continue
using it, you are expected to register with the author or
copyright holder. Individual Shareware products differ on
details -- some request registration while others require it, and
most specify a maximum evaluation period. With registration, and
depending on the product you register, you will obtain anything
from the simple right to continue using the software to an
updated program with a printed manual.
Shareware is NOT the same as public domain software; public
domain software typically does NOT contain copyright notices by
the author. Shareware, on the other hand IS COPYRIGHTED by the
author! Copyright laws apply to BOTH Shareware as well as
commercial software (software distributed in retail markets), and
the copyright holder retains all rights, with a few specific
exceptions as stated below.
Shareware authors are accomplished programmers, just like
commercial software authors, and the programs are of comparable,
if not better, quality. (In both cases, there are good programs
and bad ones!) The main difference is in the method of
distribution. The author of a Shareware program specifically
grants the right to copy and distribute the software, either to
all and sundry computer users or to a specific group. For
example, most Shareware authors require written permission before
a disk vendor may copy and distribute their Shareware program.
So, Shareware is a software "distribution method", not a
"type" or "kind" of software. As a computer user, you should try
to find software that suits your needs as well as your
pocketbook, whether it's commercial or Shareware. The Shareware
system accommodates your needs, because you can "try before you
buy". And because the overhead is low, prices - in the form of
registration fees are low also. Shareware has the ULTIMATE
money-back guarantee -- "if you don't use the product, you don't
pay for it".
Copyright 1990 Trendtech Corporation, Inc.
Page 68
CTRLCLIB - The Ctrl+C Library
Any person, group, or organization who wants to distribute
CTRLCLIB for any kind of remuneration must FIRST contact
TRENDTECH CORPORATION by letter at the address below for
distribution permission. Authorization will be granted to
distributors and disk vendors recognized by the Association of
Shareware Professionals (ASP) as adhering to its guidelines for
Shareware distributors. These organizations are known as
"Associate Members" of the ASP. Distribution to other vendors
will be made on the basis of their understanding of Shareware
CTRLCLIB is a "Shareware"-distributed program and is
provided at no charge to the user for evaluation. Any fees paid
by you - the user, to organizations other than Trendtech
Corporation are for their disk duplication and distribution
services only. Trendtech Corporation receives NO PART of those
fees. "For-Profit" disk vendors must obtain permission from
Trendtech Corporation to distribute CTRLCLIB.
All users are granted a limited license to copy the
Shareware version of CTRLCLIB and give it to others without
charge for their evaluation and trial use under the following
- CTRLCLIB Shareware disk must be distributed in its
original, unmodified, complete form, including all
library files, documentation files, text files, files
containing license agreements, registration fees and
schedules, and Shareware information.
- CTRLCLIB Shareware disk or any of its components,
objects, or libraries may NOT be distributed in
conjunction with any other product or service, without
express written permission from Trendtech Corporation.
- The serialized registered version of CTRLCLIB which
contains source code, is NOT to be given to anyone, nor
is it to be distributed under any circumstances. Backups
may be made by the registered user for archival purposes
Please send all requests and inquiries regarding distribution to
the following address:
P.O. Box 3687
Wayne, NJ 07474-3687 USA
- or - FAX: (201) 694-2543
Copyright 1990 Trendtech Corporation, Inc.
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CTRLCLIB - The Ctrl+C Library
Registration of CTRLCLIB gives you many benefits: all
registered users will receive a copy of the latest version of
CTRLCLIB containing full C-Source code, libraries for all
supported compilers and memory models, and free support from
Trendtech Corporation by telephone or letter. Finally, the
author's letter of sincere thanks for supporting Shareware will
include an unconditional money-back-guarantee if you are not
fully satisfied. The money-back-guarantee is limited to thirty
(30) days from the date you receive the registered package.
13.1 Upgrade Policy
Please be advised that Trendtech Corporation may or may not
notify registered users directly of new versions of CTRLCLIB as
we are constantly changing and improving the product.
Notification, when necessary, may be made through direct mailing
to registered users, publication of press releases, upgrade
listings in disk vendor catalogs, ASP catalogs, vendor
advertisements, etc. If registered users would like to keep
current, they may send us their original registered disk (the one
with our label and serial number on it) along with $5.00 to cover
shipping and handling. Registered users will then receive a disk
with the most current version of CTRLCLIB on it. We suggest you
do this at least annually to benefit from significant software
Single-user registration fees, and requests for other kinds
of licenses should be mailed to:
CTRLCLIB Registration
P.O. Box 3687
Wayne, NJ 07474-3687 USA
FAX: (201) 694-2543
Please take a moment to complete and mail the CTRLCLIB
registration form. It is in a file on the disk called
REGISTER.FRM and contains a SINGLE-USER License agreement and an
order form. Be sure to specify the disk size needed. This
action will register you as a bonafide user of CTRLCLIB and help
us provide you with better service.
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William Letendre, the author of CTRLCLIB, and the PC-FASTYPE
typing tutorials, along with his company TRENDTECH CORPORATION,
are members of The Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP).
The ASP was formed in 1987 to strengthen the future of
"Shareware" (formerly known as user-supported software) as an
alternative to software distributed under normal commercial
marketing methods. The ASP has established stringent standards
for both its author-members and any vending organization which
has "ASP Approved" status. ASP members subscribe to a code of
ethics and are committed to the concept of Shareware as a way of
marketing their product. The ASP itself does NOT rate members'
software for functionality or usefulness. That is for you "the
user" to decide. Shareware-distributed-software, especially
software authorized to carry the ASP name, can be tested by you
on a try-before-you-buy basis. If, after the evaluation period,
you determine the program doesn't fit your needs, you won't have
to worry about getting a refund - simply don't register; that's
the beauty of Shareware.
14.1 The ASP Ombudsman Statement
The ASP wants to make sure the Shareware principle works for
you. If you are unable to resolve a Shareware-related problem
with an ASP member by contacting the member directly, the ASP may
be able to help you. The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a
dispute or problem with an ASP member, but does not provide
technical support for members' products. Please write to the ASP
Ombudsman at P.O. Box 5786, Bellevue, WA 98006, or send a
CompuServe message via electronic MAIL to: ASP Ombudsman,
CompuServe ID: 70007,3536
14.2 Summary of ASP Goals
o To inform users about shareware programs and about
shareware as a method of distributing and marketing
o To encourage broader distribution of shareware through user
groups and disk dealers who agree to identify and explain
the nature of shareware;
o To assist members in marketing their software;
o To provide a forum through which ASP members may
communicate, share ideas, and learn from each other; and
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o To foster a high degree of professionalism among shareware
authors by setting programming, marketing, and support
standards for ASP members to follow.
14.3 ASP Standards for Author Members
The program meets the ASP's definition of "shareware" (i.e., it
is not a commercial demo with major feature disabled, nor a time-
limited program).
The program has been thoroughly tested by the author and should
be harmful to other files or hardware if used properly.
Sufficient documentation is provided to allow the average user to
try all the major functions of the program.
Any discussion of the shareware concept and of registration
requirements is done in a professional and positive manner.
The member will respond to users who send registration payments,
as promised in the program's documentation. At a minimum, the
member will acknowledge receipt of all payments.
The member will establish a procedure for users to report, and
have acknowledged, matters such as bug reports, and will describe
such means in the documentation accompanying all versions of the
programs. The author will respond to written bug reports from
registered users when the user provides a self-addressed, stamped
Known incompatibilities with other software or hardware and major
or unusual program limitations are noted in the documentation
that comes with the shareware (evaluation) program.
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14.3.4 GENERAL
Members will keep the ASP apprised of changes in mailing address;
which shareware programs they have published and are currently
supporting; the current version numbers; and of any changes in
the status of their programs.
If a user has a dispute with an ASP member-author, the user may
appeal to the ASP to mediate for arbitration of the dispute.
For more information about the Association of Shareware
Professionals, write to: Membership Secretary, Association of
Shareware Professionals, P.O. Box 5786, Bellevue, WA 98006.
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Copyright 1990 Trendtech Corporation, Inc.